Woodstove Information


DEQ has developed a statewide woodstove program to promote the use of cleaner-burning woodstoves and to help homeowners to burn wood more efficiently and with less pollution. Under Oregon law, any uncertified woodstove must be removed from the property when a home is sold. It is the seller’s responsibility, unless the buyer and seller agree otherwise, to remove and destroy any uncertified woodstove when a property is sold and to notify DEQ. If the buyer assumes responsibility for the removal of the uncertified stove, the stove must be removed and destroyed, and DEQ notified, within 30 days of the closing date on the home. Non-certified woodstoves (including fireplace inserts) are older models (mostly pre-1986) that have not been certified by the DEQ or the federal Environmental Protection Agency to meet cleaner-burning smoke emission standards. For more information on woodstoves and the removal requirements, visit: http://www.deq.state.or.us/aq/burning/woodstoves/heatSmart.htm

Buyers should contact their insurer early in the home buying process to determine what, if any, effect, a fireplace or woodstove may have on the availability or cost of fire insurance Inspection of fireplaces and woodstoves requires special training and expertise. Although a real estate licensee may be able to help you find a local woodstove professional, they cannot themselves inspect or evaluate a woodstove.