
Wells If domestic water for the property is supplied by a private well, the seller is required by state law to test the well for total coliform bacteria, nitrates and arsenic. The seller must report the results of the tests to the Oregon Health Department and the buyer. Buyers may also want to have the well tested for other potential contaminants. Buyers should verify that the seller uses proper procedures when having the well tested. More information on this state law requirement can be found at http://public.health.oregon.gov/HealthyEnvironments/DrinkingWater/Monitoring/Pages/dwtfaq.aspx. State law also requires that all private wells not already registered with the state be registered at the time the property is transferred. Real estate forms in use in Oregon often delegate to the buyer the responsibility for registering the well. A useful guide to the well identification program can be found at http://www.oregon.gov/OWRD/PUBS/docs/well_id_guide.pdf For information on the state well registration program, visit: http://egov.oregon.gov/OWRD/GW/well_id.shtml.

Well Flow Tests: If domestic water is supplied by a private well, the buyer should verify to the extent possible whether the well provides adequate water for domestic needs. It is strongly recommended that a well flow test be conducted prior to the purchase of any property that depends on a well for domestic water. Careful attention should be paid to any disclosures or representations by the seller. Buyers should review all available well records. More information on well logs is available at:http://apps.wrd.state.or.us/apps/gw/well_log/well_log_faq.aspx To access the well log database online visit: http://apps.wrd.state.or.us/apps/gw/well_log. Buyers are advised to have well flow tested by a professional. While real estate licensees are not trained and do not have the expertise to test wells, they may be able to direct you to the appropriate well professionals. Even when wells are inspected and tested, it is impossible to guarantee a continued supply of water. Catastrophic events can and do occur that can change the well quality virtually overnight. Other events, such as development and drought, can affect the quality of an aquifer over time. Any test of a well is merely a snapshot in time and is not an indication of a well’s performance in the future. Any kind of well report should be viewed in this light. PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION, WELL LOG REVIEW AND FLOW TESTS ARE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL IN DETERMINING THE CONDITION OF A PRIVATE WELL.